We wish to provide an update on what measures Pinnacle Strata Pty Ltd and our industry body, SCA (Qld), are implementing to address the growing impact that the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is having in Australia.  We are constantly monitoring the evolving situation and our key focus is on the impact to our Lot Owners, Committee Members, and our team.

We understand and appreciate the effect this unprecedented situation may have on many of our clients, especially in relation to meetings and gatherings. 

Body Corporate Meetings

We are introducing precautionary policies to defer any non-essential meetings.  This directly relates to Body Corporate Committee Meetings and General Meetings held on-site, at our office, and other venues.  We are encouraging our clients to assess meetings on a case-by-case basis, and give consideration to deferring, or arranging alternative attendance methods such as Skype and teleconferencing. 

If meetings do occur, we encourage Lot Owners to submit voting papers in lieu of attending.  A voting paper for a General Meeting may be submitted by following the instructions on the meeting notice, or by placing your completed voting paper in the mail box of your Body Corporate/Secretary.  For further information, you may contact our office on 07 5502 2888 or email 

When a face-to-face meeting must occur, the following self-imposed preventive measures and precautions should be adopted to minimise the spread of COVID-19:

  • Do not attend if you are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms;

  • Do not attend if you are experiencing a fever;

  • Do not attend if you are experiencing any other symptoms which may be indicators of a COVID-19 infection;

  • Do not attend if you or a member of your household has travelled overseas in the last 14 days

  • No handshaking and exercise social distancing of at least 1.5 metres where possible.

Visitors to our offices

All visitors to our office will be required to sign-in.  If you would like to simply deliver documents to our office without signing in, you may do so by placing the documents in the mail box at 47 Nerang Street, Nerang QLD 4211.  This mailbox will be cleared several times each business day. 

Our Commitment to our Clients

Pinnacle Strata is committed to providing an ongoing service to you.  Our IT infrastructure allows our team to work both in the office and remotely.  Our ability to provide service to you will continue regardless of any future restrictions that may be placed on travel.  Our use of technology and the measures outlined above are designed to protect our clients and to ensure we are able to provide an undisrupted service to you.

Your Health and Safety

For the latest health advice, information and resources, go to or call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.  It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  If you have any concerns about your health, please contact your doctor.

Lisa Norvock